Responsible Conduct of Research for University Research Institutes & Centers
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is required for all undergraduates, graduate students, and post docs funded on NSF awards (proposed and submitted after January 4, 2010) and certain NIH awards (Training Grants, F32, NRSA, and certain K Awards). The responsibility for tracking completion of all requirements “follows the funding”, which means the URIC’s are responsible for tracking all undergraduates, graduate students, and post docs with appointments or funding in the centers that meet the above criteria.
Northwestern's training system, myLearn, enables easier tracking of who is required to take training and the status of training completion.
The components of required NSF training include web-based training provided by CITI, and, in the case of graduate students and post docs, instructor-led classroom training. Please visit for a complete list of the requirements for all undergraduates, graduate students, and post docs.
Please review RCR training plan to track RCR training within your Institute & Center:
URICA Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Plan for 2019-2020