URIC Acronym Key
Find a complete listing of University Research Institutes and Centers (URIC) websites here.
CAPST | Center for Applied Physics and Superconducting Technologies |
CBES | Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science |
CCSS | Center for Catalysis & Surface Science |
CHiMaD | Center for Hierarchical Materials Design |
CIERA | Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics |
CLP | Chemistry of Life Processes Institute |
CMQT | Center for Molecular Quantum Transduction |
CRN | Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine |
CSB | Center for Synthetic Biology |
CSCB | Center for Sleep & Circadian Biology |
CSMI | Convergence Science and Medicine Institute |
CuBISM | Computationally-Based Imaging of Structure in Materials |
DevSci | Institute for Innovations in Developmental Sciences |
IIN | International Institute for Nanotechnology |
INQUIRE | Initiative at Northwestern for Quantum Information Research and Engineering |
IPR | Institute for Policy Research |
ISGMH | Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing |
ISITA | Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa |
MRC | Materials Research Center |
MRSEC | Materials Research Science and Engineering Center |
NAISE | Northwestern-Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering |
NCWR | Northwestern Center for Water Research |
NU-ACCESS | NU-Art Institute of Chicago Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts |
NUANCE | NU Atomic & Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center |
NUCATS | NU Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute |
NU-FERMI | Northwestern Fermi Appt |
PAS | Program of African Studies |
PCE | Proteomics Center of Excellence |
QSIB | Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics |
SHyNE | Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental Resource |
SILC | Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center |
SiS | Science in Society |
SQI | Simpson Querry Institute for Bionanotechnology |
Trienens | Paula M. Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy |
WCNO | Ronald & JoAnne Willens Center for Nano Oncology |