Partner Offices
Find a Northwestern Office that can help you plan and execute your institute or center’s research activities.
Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP) helps University researchers with financial reporting, invoicing, collecting revenue, coordinating audits, and processing transactions related to their sponsored projects.
Conflict of Interest Office (COI) oversees and implements the University faculty and staff conflict of interest policies and procedure.
Effort Reporting is the process by which the University assures Federal and other sponsors that the assignment of time, associated salary and fringe benefit costs to the projects they sponsor are fair, consistent, and timely.
Innovation and New Ventures Office (INVO) manages Northwestern University’s invention disclosure, assessment, patenting and marketing processes.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Office (IACUC) tracks and manages animal subject protocols for all research, teaching, and testing involving animal subjects.
Institutional Review Board Office (IRB) reviews, monitors, and approves human subject protocols for all research projects involving human research subjects.
Corporate Engagement (CE) helps unite Northwestern researchers and members of the business community to catalyze new relationships and opportunities for partnership.
Office of Cost Studies provides analytical, cost accounting, and effort reporting expertise to the management of Northwestern University’s research enterprise.
Export Controls Compliance ensures Northwestern University compliance with federal agency regulations that seek to achieve national security and foreign policy goals through various export restrictions and enforcement efforts.
Office of Foundation Relations (OFR) works with faculty and administrators who seek funding from private foundations by finding funders, providing guidance on writing, and planning foundation visits.
Research Development (ORD) identifies strategic funding opportunities, connects Northwestern University investigators to build effective teams, and coordinates large and complex proposals involving multidisciplinary research initiatives. They also coordinate funding agencies’ limited submission requests for proposals.
Research Integrity helps manage and minimize research risks and monitor and correct noncompliance in accordance with the University and federal guidelines.
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) refers to guidelines researchers must follow to ensure their research is conducted in an ethical and responsible way. Administrators should refer to URC guidelines and SOP for Tracking RCR Training Compliance for management and tracking for RCR on their awards.
Research Safety (ORS) manages a broad range of regulatory obligations for Northwestern University in collaboration with allied departments (Police, Facilities Management, Risk Management, etc.) to promote biological, chemical and radiological health and safety.
Sponsored Research (SR) assists in proposal development, reviews and endorses proposals, negotiates agreements, and accepts awards on behalf of Northwestern University. They also assist in non-financial sponsored project management.
Core Facilities Administration (CFA) provide instrumentation and technical support to push forward ground-breaking scientific discoveries.
Facilities and Planning supports Northwestern | RESEARCH programmatic and administrative operations, the Provost has given the Vice President for Research (VPR) authority and responsibility for limited space on both campuses.
NU Scholars is a searchable database of research expertise across all disciplines at Northwestern University.
- URIC membership is now available on individual faculty profiles as well as the URIC organization page in Scholars.
- If you need to request edits to the URIC membership as listed in Northwestern Scholars, submit a request using the URIC Membership in Scholars: Requests form
- Please note: criteria for individuals who qualify to be listed in NU Scholars can be found on the NU Scholars About page. The criteria must mirror what is shown in the myHR system at the time of request.
Office of the Registrar provides contacts for classroom space on the Evanston campus for use by groups affiliated with Northwestern University as well as non-Registrar scheduled rooms.