No Cost Extensions
A no cost extension of up to twelve months may be made to allow completion of a project without additional funds from the sponsor.
- Federal Sponsors: Sponsored Research is authorized to approve the first no cost extension for most federal sponsors, including NSF and NIH. An extension must be requested via a Change Request through CERES prior to original end date. The request must contain a reasonable explanation for the extension. An extension may be made in order to:
- assure completion of the original approved project aims
- assure continuity of grant support while a competing application is under review
- permit an orderly phase-out of a project that will not receive continued support
- Budget: Funds must be available to cover costs during the no cost extension period. Some agencies/sponsors will not extend an award that contains a zero balance. Please note that simply having funds left over is not sufficient justification to extend a project.
- Terms and Conditions: All original terms of the award remain in effect during a no cost extension period.
- Effort: If PI effort level is changing from the current committed level, an explanation is required.
- Protocols: All protocols must be up to date and active during the no cost extension period.
- Non-federal sponsors: Sponsor approval is required and all communication to the sponsor must be routed via ESPR to Sponsored Research for University endorsement and correspondence. The center administrator should work with the PI to put together a letter to the agency and then route to Sponsored Research explaining:
- necessity for the extension
- additional time requested
- anticipated balance of funds remaining in the project account
- budget or description of the use of funds during the extension period sponsor